
Bluestacks is not working
Bluestacks is not working

Internet: Broadband connectivity to access games, accounts and related content.Graphs : Intel HD 5200 (Passmark 750) or higher.Processor: Intel Core i5-680 (Passmark 3500) processor or higher with virtualization extensions enabled in BIOS.Recommended system requirements for Bluestacks The computer must have a broadband connection to access games, accounts and related content.Your PC’s graphics drivers need to be updated to be compatible with BlueStacks, as described in the following message.

bluestacks is not working

  • Your computer must have 4 GB of memory to store Android applications and games and their data.
  • (Note that hard disk space of 2 GB or more does not replace RAM)
  • Your computer must have at least 2 GB RAM/main memory.
  • You must be the administrator of your PC.
  • OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows XP SP3 (32-bit only).
  • Below are the steps to take to resolve this particular issue. Several factors can cause Bluestacks to crash on your computer, from corrupt software to outdated drivers. This action refreshes the operating system and removes the corrupted temporary data that could be causing the problem.

    bluestacks is not working bluestacks is not working

    Restart the computer before performing any of the recommended troubleshooting actions below.

    Bluestacks is not working